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See the assortment of nature books from Koustrup & Co. Here is something for everyone. Read for an example about trees and shrubs from Denmark, wild bees, plants, vegetables and much more. Several of the books contains recipes. Our books are only available in danish. 

Model: 9788794564120


En ny, gennemillustreret håndbog viser vej til de bedste rovfuglelokaliteter i Danmark og Sydsverige. Bogen indeholder også en mini-felthåndbog med beskrivelser af 27 rovfuglearter og deres kendetegn.

Intet andet sted i Nordeuropa kan rovfugletrækket måle sig med det imponerende skue over Danmark og Skånelandene.

I Rovfugle – som jeg ser dem tager den erfarne feltornitolog og billedkunstner Carl Christian Tofte læseren helt tæt på både fuglene og sin egen passion for dem. Med levende fortællinger deler han oplevelser med ørne, høge, kærhøge, glenter, våger og falke – og beskriver deres karakteristiske adfærd.

Carl Christian Tofte tegner de rovfugle, han spotter på himlen, og han viser, hvordan selv enkle skitser eller mobilbilleder kan være værdifulde redskaber til at lære fuglene at kende. Med hans indsigter og gode råd bliver du klædt på til at opleve og genkende rovfuglene i felten.


Forfatter og illustrator: Carl Christian Tofte

Format: 21x16 cm

Hardcover, 128 sider

€23.99  Incl. VAT
( €19.19  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564090


Jord angår os alle – uanset om vi bor på landet eller i byen.
Den forsyner os med alt, vi har brug for, og dens tilstand er afgørende for klimaet, biodiversiteten og vores overlevelse.
Uden frugtbar jord – ingen mad, intet tøj, ingen byggematerialer, ingen medicin. – Hervé Lognonné
I denne bog tager forfatteren os med på en rejse ind i jordens verden for at undersøge, hvordan klimaforandringerne udfordrer den – og vores fremtid.
Med indsigt og konkrete eksempler afdækker han jordens skjulte liv, opbygning og historie og diskuterer menneskets rolle og ansvar i dens udvikling. 
Undervejs præsenterer han danske aktører, der allerede baner vejen for en bæredygtig fremtid.
Hervé Lognonné er praktisk økolog, foredragsholder og haveskribent.
Han er franskmand og har boet på Fyn i over 40 år.
Fagredaktør: Mia Stochholm
€33.37  Incl. VAT
( €26.70  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564007

THE MAGIC OF FORAGING IN EVERYDAY LIFE Spring is on its way, and soon nature will once again be brimming with edible treasures. In the hands of Stephanie Straube Alemanno, the harvest is transformed into healthy and super delicious dishes.

Stephanie Straube Alemanno is a chef, recipe developer, wild food consultant, and archaeologist specializing in prehistoric diets. She writes about wild plants and food under the name Sankesnilde. From a young age, she has been interested in nature's pantry – and food in general.

In this book, she describes some of her favorite plants and explains their flavor profiles and health benefits. You'll get her best foraging tips and the most delicious recipes for dishes packed with vitamins and other good stuff.

Incorporate wild plants into your daily diet to elevate your meals to a new level, add free ingredients, and truly satisfy your appetite.

"Foraging is one of humanity's oldest and most instinctive ways to connect with nature, and the ability to transform wild ingredients into delightful food, desserts, drinks, and medicine is, as I see it, one of the oldest forms of magic. It's a knowledge that teaches us to live with the seasons, notice changes, and be grateful for transformation." – Stephanie Straube Alemanno

Author: Stephanie Straube Alemanno

ISBN: 9788794564007

Format: 24x30 cm

216 pages

Printed at an eco-certified printing house on FSC paper.

€40.07  Incl. VAT
( €32.06  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564045

Here is the calendar for those who love spending the dark winter months planning their gardening year. This is the book for those dreaming of the perfect kitchen garden but in need of inspiration.

MY KITCHEN GARDEN is a combined kitchen garden book and planner. The book includes a practical sowing calendar, guides to good and bad companion plants, lists for personal notes, and a perpetual calendar that provides monthly suggestions for garden activities and ideas on what to sow or pre-sprout. Additionally, it offers cultivation tips on soil improvement, composting, nutrient addition, and achieving a balance between pests and beneficial insects. All this is based on the principles of organic and no-dig gardening, ensuring healthy, pesticide-free, and flavorful crops in your kitchen garden for many years to come. The more you use the calendar and add your own experiences, the more useful it will become.

Hardcover, 228 pages.
Dimensions: 22x17 cm.
ISBN: 978-87-94564-04-5

€26.67  Incl. VAT
( €21.34  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564052

In the book, the most common types of stones on Danish beaches are reviewed. You will learn more about: sandstones, conglomerates, schists, ironstones, limestones, cement stones, basalts, diabases, porphyries, ignimbrites, gneisses, augen gneisses, amphibolites, hornfels, breccias, volcanic breccias, flint stones, chalcedony and quartz stones, pyrites – and amber, which, although not a stone, is found in most enthusiasts' stone collections.

With his new book, which aims to complement the popular “Fossils” Jesper Milàn's goal has been to interest even more people in the geology of stones.

Jesper Milàn, museum inspector at Geomuseum Faxe, has written the text and Lykke Bianca has drawn all the beautiful drawings.

Hardcover, 144 pages.
Measures: 21x16 cm

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564014

In diesem Buch wird über die häufigsten Fossilien berichtet, die entlang der Strände in Dänemark und in ausgewählten Steinbrüchen zu finden sind. An Stevns- und Møns Klinter, auf Bornholm, auf Fur, entlang der Westküste, im Gram Lergrav und an vielen anderen Orten - insgesamt werden 27 besonders gute Standorte behandelt.

Mit detailgetreuen Zeichnungen der Tiere, wie sie aussahen, als sie lebten, sowie einer Reihe von Fotos und Zeichnungen von Fossilien, wie man sie typischerweise findet, besteht eine gute Möglichkeit zu erkennen, welches prähistorische Tier oder Pflanze man gefunden hat.

Jesper Milàn, Kurator am Geomuseum Faxe, hat den Text verfasst, und Lykke Bianca hat alle schönen Zeichnungen angefertigt.

Gebunden, 144 Seiten.

Maße: 21x16 cm.

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159921

In this beautiful book you get an insight into Jim Lyngvild's most poetic side when he presents his new photographs of roses.

He himself named the rose 'Jim the Viking' and helped christen several other roses, and his garden at Ravnsborg on Funen is of course adorned with beautiful roses, carefully selected for colour, fragrance and appearance.

The book is a kaleidoscopic journey through various aspects of the rose's role in art, culture and gastronomy. Join the journey and be inspired.

Hardcover, 176 pages.

Measures: 19,5 x 26,5 cm

€13.34  Incl. VAT
( €10.67  Excl. VAT )
€26.67  Incl. VAT
You save: €13.33
Model: 9788793159853

A man need not own more than can fit on a dog sled. But Ivars Silis likes to move, so that there will also be room for you on the load when he looks back over his shoulder at the sled tracks of his life. A terrific zigzag that rings with icicles and flashes of whimsy and happiness.

Silis's memoirs take place in a refugee camp in Amager and a series of cheerful Copenhagen adventures, before the young man with an engineering degree in his pocket flies to Greenland in 1964. After three years as a geophysicist, he gives up the climate tables, loads his sled with a rifle and camera and joins the Inuit bear hunters. It was the start of a long career as a prisoner, photographer and expedition man in arctic regions, but also with detours to warmer continents and to Latvia, where he has his roots.

In this book, we meet some of his friends: big fishers, passionate biologists, daring pilots, cynical editors, crazy billionaires and snorting walruses.

Greenland has been Silis' homeland for half a century, and he has felt the entire dizzying development firsthand. Which path will Greenland choose now that global warming is melting the ice under the polar bear's paws, and the world's largest island has really come under the spotlight of the great powers?

Hardcover, 304 pages

€33.37  Incl. VAT
( €26.70  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159792


There are thousands of chili varieties worldwide. Some are mild, some are beautiful, and some are really, really hot! So how do you figure out which varieties to put in your food?

Chili experts Lene Tvedegaard and Gunvor Maria Juul offer 41 good suggestions for that question in the latest addition to the tribe of "small white books with great content" from Koustrup & Co.

"Chili is not just chili," say the authors. "There is a big difference in taste, shapes and colors between the varieties. Chili can do so much more than being the hot ingredient in food or a test of strength in endurance. The strength hit delicately is a fantastic flavor enhancer on par with salt and sugar. And the aromas in the pulp can vary greatly, from, for example, mango to apple - of course it must be used.'' In addition to presenting their own chilli favourites, in the small handy book they tell about the history of chillies, chilli botany, growing chillies, harvesting and storage, strength and chili in cooking and shares a number of delicious chili recipes.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159778


»En naturkatastrofe for 66 millioner år siden udslettede næsten alt liv på Jorden. Det er en grum historie, men den viser jo også, at livet kom igen, blomstrede og udviklede sig til den verden, vi kender i dag«. Sådan lyder det fra Charlotte Blay og Lykke Bianca, der står bag denne nye børnebog om kridthavet.

Charlotte og Lykke har vandret adskillige ture langs Stevns Klint sammen, og det var her, de fik den idé at lade kridthavets beboere fortælle en nysgerrig dreng historien om, hvad der i grunden skete med dinosaurerne. Det skulle selvfølgelig være en sjov og spændende historie, forklarer de, men også oplysende. Derfor er bogen blevet til i samarbejde med eksperter i geologi og palæontologi, og den udkommer både på dansk, engelsk og tysk.

»Historien om meteoren, der udslettede halvdelen af alt liv på Jorden er
jo universel«, forklarer Charlotte Blay. »Katastrofen ramte hele kloden og skabte de største klimaforandringer i Jordens historie. Og så er det her i lille Danmark, ved Stevns’ Klint, vi finder de allerbedste beviser på, hvad der skete. Derfor kom klinten på UNESCO’s Verdensarvliste i 2014. Og når noget er verdensarv, skal vi altså passe ekstra godt på det«, siger hun.

Håbet er at få endnu flere børn til at interessere sig for at gå på fossiljagt og reflektere over, hvor vigtigt det er at passe på naturen. Nu og i fremtiden.

Charlotte Blay har skrevet bøger i over 40 år og har udgivet mere end 80 titler for børn, unge og voksne og modtaget flere litteraturpriser Hun har desuden skrevet sangtekster for Povl Kjøller, kogebøger og manuskripter for Danmarks Radio. Og så elsker hun historie og at rejse.

Lykke Bianca ( er billedkunstner og illustrator med en særlig forkærlighed for dyr. Foruden bogillustrationer har hun lavet illustrationer til museer, videnskabelige artikler, undervisningsmateriale, brocurer, flyers, postkort, møbeldesign, manualer, billedbøger, kort og meget mere. Hun bor og arbejder på Stevns.


Forfatter & illustrator: Charlotte Blay & Lykke Bianca

92 sider, rigt illustreret

ISBN: 978-87-931-5977-8

€17.29  Incl. VAT
( €13.83  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159761

Garden art and visual arts go hand in hand - Danish text

It's not the size that does it. Even in a small city garden, like the one owned by multi-artist Nina Ferlov in the heart of old Middelfart, there is plenty to tell about. It is about the eyes that see, and seen through Nina Ferlov's eyes, the senses are opened to the near.

Nina Ferlov is often called the master of watercolor. Why understand with this beautiful book in hand, a declaration of love for the plants in the artist's own garden and a tribute to the change of seasons.

With her rare sense of detail and color composition, Nina Ferlov has portrayed the plants in her small city garden one by one through a calendar year. She has a personal relationship with all of them and knows how they found their way to Søndergade 8. The porcelain flower, for example, which she did not really like ... "but when I got a porcelain flower from a friend, it had to fit in "My attitude changed when it started to bloom and I felt like painting it," she says in the book.

Nina Ferlov is also a fabric printer, textile designer and visual artist.

Hardcover, 192 pages.
Measures: 26x18 cm.

€40.07  Incl. VAT
( €32.06  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159747

Den Uundværlige Naturguide – Oplev Naturens Skatte med Lars Henrik Olsen

Tag på opdagelse i naturen med Den Uundværlige Naturguide, en fantastisk bog, der giver dig mulighed for at forstå og værdsætte de mange spændende oplevelser, naturen har at tilbyde. Med et let og forståeligt sprog og rigt illustrerede sider, giver bogen dig en grundig indføring i naturens forunderlige verden – fra sporene efter dyr til de små, skjulte livsformer, du normalt ville overse.

Bogen gør det nemt at identificere sportegn, fuglereder, insekter og meget mere. Tag den med ud i skov, have eller på markvandring og begynd din egen sporjagt. Læs om, hvilken fugl der har lavet rede, hvilket dyr der har efterladt spor i jorden, eller hvilke svampedyr og planter, der lever i de skjulte kroge af naturen. Med en kortfattet tekst og smukke illustrationer bliver hver opdagelse lettere at forstå.

Denne håndbog gør det muligt at finde spor og tegn på liv, som du måske ellers ville have overset, og den forvandler en simpel skovtur til en spændende jagt på naturens hemmeligheder. En uundværlig guide for naturelskere, børn og voksne, der ønsker at udforske naturens mangfoldighed på en ny og spændende måde.

Om forfatteren, Lars Henrik Olsen
Lars Henrik Olsen er en anerkendt naturformidler, forfatter og ekspert inden for biodiversitet. Med mange års erfaring indenfor naturstudier og som ivrig naturentusiast har han skabt bøger og guides, der gør naturens kompleksitet tilgængelig og forståelig for alle. Hans passion for naturen skinner igennem i hans arbejde, hvor han kombinerer videnskabelig viden med en nysgerrighed for de små, ofte oversete detaljer i naturen. Olsen er kendt for sin evne til at formidle naturens mysterier på en engagerende og lærerig måde, hvilket gør hans bøger til en uundværlig ressource for både nybegyndere og erfarne naturelskere.

Om illustratoren

Bogen er illustreret af Michael Petersen, som er uddannet dyrlæge, men tidligt skiftede livsbane for en karriere som billedkunstner og grafisk designer. I 18 år havde han sit virke i Københavns Zoologiske Have, hvor hans tegninger og design kan ses på skilte og i udstillinger. Nu illustrerer han skilte til naturområder, og skriver bøger om naturen, bl. a. SØ & Å - livet over og under vandspejlet, som også er udgivet af Koustrup & Co.


Softcover, 120 sider.

Udgivelsen af "Spor i naturen” er støttet af Aage V. Jensens Fond, 15. Juni Fonden, Veluxfonden samt Copydanmidler tildelt af Autorkontoen i Dansk Forfatterforening og Skønlitterære Forfattere.
€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159716

ARE YOU NEW IN THE SEA and have difficulty in overseeing the project? Have you been looking for answers to your garden questions but are drowned in information? Or maybe you've been cultivating the garden for many years and looking for a new and more relaxed way of doing things? Then this book is for you.

We clean up the jumble of rules, good advice, myths and misconceptions that flourish in the garden area, and suggest simpler ways to do things - whether you are "wild on purpose" or tight minimalism. With this book in hand, you can decide on an informed basis what you want to spend your time in the garden on and what you choose to care about. In the garden, it is you who decide, without any duties other than those you give yourself. Say goodbye to gardening, goodbye to garden hygiene, and get started creating the garden that turns on the joy of exactly you. 

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
€35.91  Incl. VAT
You save: €22.65
Model: 9788793159655

Huw Richards gave himself the challenge that he would grow fruits and vegetables at no cost. He completed and now he wants to help you do the same.

Can't afford a high bed? Make one of old pallets. Don't want to spend money buying plants? Look in your kitchen and find what can be grown. Need a specific tear? Swap tool with neighbor. No garden? Find places in your local area and grow lots of food.

Huw's book "Cultivate Free Food" is inspiring and contains practical advice you need to get started, grow, care for and harvest your own products of fruits and vegetables. Organic and free of cost - even if you are a beginner. Take a big step towards self-sufficiency and real sustainability.

Translated into Danish by Bo Egelund.

Hardcover, 224 pages.
Measures: 24x20 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159785

Color with nature's own colors

Do you dream of getting started coloring your own yarn? Then this little practical book on plant coloring might be for you?

The plants for dyeing are easy to collect in nature - some can also be grown in the garden or bought dried. The book provides an easy and clear introduction to planting color with nature's plants. Color the yarn at home in your kitchen, in a gruesome kettle or over a bonfire or fireplace in the garden.

There is something magical about collecting plants, coloring yarn and subsequently knitting or crocheting a sweater, shawl or scarf. The colors of nature are just more beautiful and environmentally friendly than the chemical colors.

The author of the book is Vibeke Munk, who was previously a social worker, but now has his own yarn company, the Yarn Board, which organizes courses and sells yarn.

Hardcover, 96 pages.
Measures: 17x12.5 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159617

In the Middle Ages, a true army of Christian monks and nuns arrived in the North from Central and Southern Europe. Some of them were vegetarians - something very new in time. The vegetarian lifestyle made it natural for these monks to grow well-stocked kitchen gardens.

Self-sufficiency with medicinal plants was also important. The monasteries ran hospitals and needed large quantities of good quality herbs.

Over 100 monasteries were built in Denmark, many of them having medicinal plant gardens. Unfortunately, none of these monastery or manor gardens have been preserved for posterity. But at monasteries and in medicinal gardens you can still see a large number of the medicinal plants that monks and nuns brought to Denmark.

The book contains portraits of a number of important monastic plants that have been used and some that are still used as medicinal plants.

Author of the book, Gunvor Maria Juul, is a food historian and herbal specialist. She has been an advisor at the construction of the medicine garden at the Science Musserne in Aarhus as well as the herb garden in Gråsten.

Hardcover, 96 pages.
Measures: 17x12.5 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159631

This book tells about the most common fossils that can be found along the beaches in Denmark and in selected raw material tombs. At Stevns- og Møns Klinter, on Bornholm, on Fur, along the West Coast, in Gram Lergrav and many other places - a total of 27 particularly good sites are mentioned.

With well-like drawings of the animals that they looked when they were alive as well as a number of photos and drawings of fossils, as you typically find them, there is a good opportunity to see what past animal or plant has been found.

Jesper Milàn, museum inspector at Geomuseum Faxe, has written the text and Lykke Bianca has drawn all the beautiful drawings.

Hardcover, 144 pages.
Measures: 21x16 cm

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159570

On the beach we can find exciting things for the windowsill, good ingredients for food, and we can go for walks alone or with children and grandchildren. The book describes the most common animals, plants and seaweed species that grow or flush up along our nearly 9,000 km stretch of coast.

The book contains a number of exciting food recipes, which include animals, seaweed and beach plants as well as a description of how they are collected. The ideal book to have standing in the cottage and to spend the trip along the beach.

The beach - animals and plants were written by the two marine biologists Michael Bo Rasmussen and Annette Bruhn and illustrated with photos as well as Susanne Weitemeyer's beautiful drawings of the beach's animals and plants. A number of posters have also been published in connection with the book: The beach, The sea's mussels and snails, Beach plants, The sea's fish and Edible seaweed.

Hardcover, 112 pages.
Measures: 21x16 cm

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159556

Bogen for hele familien: Identificér dyr og planter i naturen

Denne bog er den perfekte guide til hele familien, der ønsker at udforske naturen sammen. Den hjælper med at identificere både de mest almindelige dyr og planter samt nogle sjældnere, men spændende arter. Uanset om du tager bogen med på en ekskursion med fangstnet og plastikbakke, eller bruger den som godnatlæsning med de større børn, vil der være masser af fascinerende viden at opdage.

Bogen er skrevet ud fra en dyb fascination af den utrolige verden, vi kan finde lige udenfor døren. Fra de mindste væsener som dafnier til de majestætiske svaner, fortælles historier om liv, der er afhængige af både vand og landmiljøer – et system, der ikke kunne eksistere uden det ene.

Dyrene, fra den mindste dafnie til de største svaner, lever alle et liv, der er afhængigt af det ferske vand og det miljø på land, der ikke ville eksistere uden vandet. 

Læs om fantastiske tilpasninger og symbioser, om hvordan det hele hænger sammen i et fint og afbalanceret system. Og nyd illustrationerne, der siger mere end mange ord. 

Michael Petersen er uddannet dyrlæge, men skiftede tidligt livsbane for en karriere som billedkunstner og grafisk designer. I 18 år havde han sit virke i Københavns Zoologiske have, hvor hans tegninger og design kan ses på skilte og i udstillinger, bl.a. Den Arktisk Ring. Nu er han tilbage ved kilden, fra dengang han som dreng var ude med net og syltetøjsglas for at finde vandedderkopper og haletudser. 

Indbundet, 128 sider. 
Måler: 21x16 cm.

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159525

Collecting mushrooms in nature is exciting and instructive, but they can be difficult to distinguish. Only a small number of fungi that can be found in nature are worth eating, so it is important to get to know them.

In this little handbook, well-like drawings as well as their possible. toxic double-gangs, so you avoid getting the wrong ones home. In the book you can also find good recipes for a number of delicious mushroom dishes. In the book 2. edition, the information on what to take care of when collecting and preparing mushrooms has been updated. Names are also adapted to the official Mushroom Atlas.

The book's author Peter Nielsen has had his time in nature all his life and in the book he also brings well-like illustrations while the best and safest dining mushrooms in Danish nature are described.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159488

When the garden produces massive of flowers in the summer and you just want to keep that great abundance of beauty - then you can dry your flowers and safe them for the winter months.

In the Danish book "Falmet skønhed" - "Fainted beauty" written by Dorthe Kvist and photos by Maria Fynsk Norup there is so many good ideas on how to use dried flowers.
Wreaths, hair deco, hanging bouquets, table decor and much more.

Hardcover, 192 pages.  

€6.56  Incl. VAT
( €5.25  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159471

Brew delicious and tasty herbal tea with plants from nature

Herbal tea has been known for hundreds of years and is still a popular drink among many.
Different types of plant extracts can relieve, cure and or prevent various flaws and it is easy to collect and dry herbs that can be used for brewing tea, but it is important to know which plants can be used and what they do well for. Gentle drying ensures that the medical ingredients are preserved.

We drink herbal teas because it benefits the body and for the sake of pleasure. A daily cup of herbal tea can easily become one of today's lovely and stressful moments in a hectic everyday life.

Herbal writer Anemette Olesen gives in the book recipes for a wide range of herbal teas, which you yourself have the opportunity to collect or grow the plants. The book also tells about the active ingredients and what they do well for. 

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159402

The sound of buzzing bees flying from one flower to another is the epitome of summer.
Bees are important pollinators of both wild and cultivated plants and a significant part of biodiversity. As a private person you can offer wild bees good habitats, suitable flowers and nesting places. With the right plants in the garden, on the terrace or balcony, you can make an important effort to curb the decline of wild bees.

In this little book you can read about wild bees, their favorite plants and their lives.
The book's author Susanne Harding is a biologist, agronomist and specialist in insect ecology. 

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159419

Day butterflies are beautiful and they arouse unconditional admiration with their splendor and elegant escape. Many are delighted at the sight of the first yellow lemon butterfly on a sunny day in February or by the brightly colored day peacock eye fluttering around the perennial bed. But butterflies are also night swimmers that you don't see as much as they are active in the evening, and moths that are often small, gray-brown crayons. But even they have their own beauty and poetry when you first catch their eye.

This book presents the most common species that can be observed in Danish nature and not least in Danish gardens. The book's author, Susanne Harding, talks about the animals' interesting lives and about the plants that can be used to procure for the garden to get even more butterflies.

Hardcover, 96 pages.
Measures: 17x12.5 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159358

Herbs can add a sensory bombardment of scents to the garden or window sill, and it is fascinating to carry a hand through the foliage and get drunk by the aromas that hit the nose. They are also decorative and their flowers are edible. So why not supplement the summer flowers or perennials with edible herbs.
Herbs are also beautiful and indispensable flavors in our food, and they can lift even simple dishes to new heights. This book mentions more than 40 herbs, their properties and cultivation, and there are recipes for their use.

Hardcover, 96 pages
Measures: 17x12.5 cm

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159020

Per Mølgaard giver i denne bog klar vejledning til, hvordan du er med på trenden om at bruge naturen i køkkenet uden at risikere at samle giftige planter ind.

Giftige planter og plantestoffer findes overalt omkring os – og undertiden i den mad, vi spiser. Det er ”in” at spise naturens vilde planter og dermed vigtigt at sikre sig, at det man indsamler, ikke er giftigt. Heldigvis er dødelige forgiftninger sjældne, men giftige planter er til stor bekymring for mange. Derfor er det vigtigt at kende planterne, så forveksling kan undgås. Mange planteforgiftninger er heldigvis ”falsk alarm” – men ét fejltrin er ét for meget.

Bogen er udarbejdet i samarbejde med Giftlinjen.

Indbundet, 352 sider. 

€25.33  Incl. VAT
( €20.26  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159112

This book about Denmark's trees and shrubs is an updated and richly illustrated handbook on the trees and shrubs of the forest and the open country. In the book, botanical facts are spiced up with exciting stories about the life, prehistory, names, exploitation and much more of the plants.

The book caters to all nature enthusiasts and also works well as reference books in different languages if only quick and easy-to-digest information is desired.
Also used as a textbook for horticultural and forestry education.
The book addresses these areas among several others:
· Descriptions, characteristics, confusion, ecology, occurrence, name and use of trees and shrubs.
· More than 500 photos, distribution cards and drawings
· Determination key with images
· Overview with names of Danish, Latin, Swedish, Norwegian, English and German.

Hardcover, 336 pages.
Measures: 23x17 cm.

€40.07  Incl. VAT
( €32.06  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159181

Vil du gerne tage et skridt mod at være selvforsynende på en bæredygtig, klimavenlig og økologisk måde? Så hjælper Jens Juhl og Sølva Falgren dig i denne bog godt på vej med etablering og dyrkning i drivhus med de rette metoder.

Softcover, 160 sider. 

€33.37  Incl. VAT
( €26.70  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159235

A personal bird book told by ornithologist Carl Christian Tofte, who describes the birds of the garden as they are but also with some lopsided, whimsical input that he himself experiences the birds. Carl Christian also talks about the birds that most people see and enjoy watching from the window or in the garden. Not all birds from the book are represented in your garden, because gardens are different but if you pay attention you will be able to observe more than you might just think.

In "The Birds of the Sea - As I See Them" you get not only close to the birds, but also to the book's author, Carl Christian Tofte, who with his personal style and many years of ornithological experience tells about the birds and their diverse behavior.

By setting up houses, nest boxes and collecting diverse grains, you will have the opportunity to attract a richer bird life to the garden.
The book contains beautiful and very precise illustrations designed by Carl Christian Tofte.

Hardcover, 128 pages
Measures: 21x16 cm
Author: Carl Christian Tofte

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159693

Nature's large pantry offers herbs, mushrooms, fruit and berries. In the past, it was vital to know and collect nature's plants and fruits. Today, it is the desire and taste that makes most people look for them. The plants have their favorite habitats. Someone grows in the acidic moorland, others in the sandy soil by the beach, while others again appreciate a good, nutritious soil. Under the descriptions of the individual afters, it is told where the plants usually exist. Wherever in the country you are, there will always be fruit and go in search of.
Author of the book, Bente Halkjær, tells about 23 different fruits from nature that can be collected and used. The book also contains delicious recipes for eg. hazelnut cream, cranberry jelly and acorn cookies.

Kirsten Tind stands for the beautiful and precise drawings, and Kira Brandt has delivered the beautiful food photos.

Hardcover, 96 pages.
Measures: 17x12.5 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
Model: 793159051

Many species in nature and garden are suitable for really good spice snaps - and there are various options in roots, leaves, stems, buds, rays, flowers, seeds and fruits. At the same time you can use the snaps as an alternative herbarium, and every time you take a dram, you remember where you picked it.

As a rule, there is the best taste in well-developed, healthy plant parts with no trace of disease, rodent traces and other damage. For some species there is most aroma in leaves, flowers and fruits, which have been well exposed to the sun's light.

In this little white book with spiced herbs, written by Peter Friis Møller, good plants from nature and garden have been selected. Emphasis has been placed on a varied selection of good, fairly common species from Denmark, where individuals and stocks can very well tolerate being harvested and exploited for the noble purpose - and which allows for the sinking and seasoning throughout most of the year.

Hardcover, 96 pages.
Measures: 17x12.5 cm.

€13.26  Incl. VAT
( €10.61  Excl. VAT )
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