Quality card with motifs of European insects and flowers. Printed on FSC paper at Nordic Ecolabelled printing companies in Europe.
The card folder contains 8 double cards with associated envelopes.
The motifs on the cards are:
Riding spores - Dephinium sp. - Larkspur
Haveiris - Iris germanica - German Iris
Garden cloves - Dianthus cayophyllus - Carnation
Wheel crown - Borago officinalis - Borago
Fence-Snerle - Calystegia sepium - Larger Bindweed
Plate treats - Tropaeolum majus - Garden nasturtium
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - Fennel
Cardinal flower - Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal Flower
The cards are printed at a Swan-labeled company and made from environmentally certified FSC paper.
The envelopes are made of eco-friendly eucalyptus paper.