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Quality cards with motifs of summer flowers illustrated by Kirsten Tind.

Throughout the summer you are delighted with the many beautiful summer flowers with their colors, shapes and scents and by picking bouquets that can be varied indefinitely.

€11.39  Incl. VAT
( €9.11  Excl. VAT )
Model: 12010350


The motifs on the cards:

Centaurea cyanus - Corn flower
Verbena bonariensis - Purpletop vervain
Nigella damascena - Love-in-a-mist
Thalictrum delavayi - Chinese meadow-rue
Lathyrus odoratus - Sweet Pea
Lavandula stoechas - Spanisch lavender
Proud Kavaler - Cosmos bipinntus - Cosmos Flower
Campanula persicifolia - Peach leaved Bellflower
The fine illustrations are designed by Kirsten Tind an experienced botanist known for his beautiful illustrations in books, posters and cards.

The cards are printed at a Swan-labeled company and made from environmentally certified FSC paper. 
The envelopes are made of eco-friendly eucalyptus paper.

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