Quality cards with motifs of White Christmas illustrated by Kirsten Tind.
The card folder contains 8 double cards with matching envelopes.
The motifs on the cards:
Helleborus niger - Christmas Rose
Helleborus orientalis 'Double Ellen Mix' - Christmas Rose,
Schlumbergera truncata 'White' - Christmas cactus
Euphorbia pulcherrima - Pointsettia
Hippeastrum sp. ' Exotic Striped' 'Alfresco'
Hippeastrum sp. ' Flamingo Striped'
Hippeastrum sp. 'Sweet pink'
Hyacinthus orientalis - Multiflora 'white'
The fine illustrations are designed by Kirsten Tind, an experienced botanist known for his beautiful illustrations in books, posters and cards.
The cards are printed at a Swan-labeled company and made from environmentally certified FSC paper.
The envelopes are made of eco-friendly eucalyptus paper.