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BOOK: Stones along the beach (danish text)

In the book, the most common types of stones on Danish beaches are reviewed. You will learn more about: sandstones, conglomerates, schists, ironstones, limestones, cement stones, basalts, diabases, porphyries, ignimbrites, gneisses, augen gneisses, amphibolites, hornfels, breccias, volcanic breccias, flint stones, chalcedony and quartz stones, pyrites – and amber, which, although not a stone, is found in most enthusiasts' stone collections.

With his new book, which aims to complement the popular “Fossils” Jesper Milàn's goal has been to interest even more people in the geology of stones.

Jesper Milàn, museum inspector at Geomuseum Faxe, has written the text and Lykke Bianca has drawn all the beautiful drawings.

Hardcover, 144 pages.
Measures: 21x16 cm

€19.97  Incl. VAT
( €15.98  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788794564052

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    €13.26  Incl. VAT
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