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Se udvalget af A3 kunsttryk her, som omfatter dyr fra Zoologisk Have, blomster, sukkulenter og planter. 
Alle kunsttryk er trykt på mat og kraftigt miljøcertificeret FSC papir og måler 29,7x42 cm. Kunsttrykkene er pakket enkeltvis og pakket i cellofan. 

Model: 5711612040159

Teach the children all the letters of the alphabet with this inviting and delicious ABC poster with cakes. A new and decorative poster for the children's room or kitchen, with a cake attached to each letter.

Baking is fun. Maybe your child will get a favorite letter cake? The cakes are, among other things, ideal to bake for children's birthdays.

Should you or your children feel like baking some of the cakes, the recipes can be found in the book "CAKE ABC".

Katrine Klinken and Gina Lorubbio have prepared the poster in collaboration with Koustrup & Co.

• Dimensions: 29.7x42 cm.
• Packed in biodegradable cellophane.
• Weight: 56 grams.
• Language: Danish

All posters are produced at Swan labelled printing house and printed on FSC certified paper.

The name of the poster is Danish. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612032000

Giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm.

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612032185

Art print of Valerian, Valeriana officinalis, illustrated by Kirsten Tind. 

Printed on mat heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031997

Polarbear, Ursus maritimus, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm.

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031980

Sibirian Tiger, Panthera tigris, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 21 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag.  

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031973

Lion, Panthera leoillustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 42 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag.  

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031966

Asian Elephant, Elephas maximus, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 42 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031959

Peafowl, Pavo cristatus, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 42 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031942

American Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber ruber, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 42 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031935

Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, illustrated by artist Steen Malberg. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Måler 29,7 x 42 cm. 

Packed in eco-friendly cellophane bag. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031669

Art print with a fine Succulent wreath, illustrated by Kirsten Tind. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031676

Art print of Succulents in pot, illustrated by Kirsten Tind. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612031683

Art print of a colorful Wreath of Christmas roses, illustrated by Kirsten Tind. 

Printed on mat and heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612025415

Beautiful Bird's-eye primrose, Primula farinosa from the botanical atlas Flora Danica. 

Printed on heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€2.68  Incl. VAT
( €2.14  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612025439

Art print of the amazing red Prickly poppy, Papaver argemone, illustrated by Kirsten Tind. 

Printed on mat heavy FSC paper. 

Measures 29.7 x 42 cm. 

€10.05  Incl. VAT
( €8.04  Excl. VAT )
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