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FAIRY TALES # 1 - 8 cards

Quality cards with motives of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales illustrated by Peter Nielsen.

The card folder contains 8 double cards with matching envelopes.


€11.40  Incl. VAT
( €9.12  Excl. VAT )
Model: 12010176


The motifs on the cards:

The Swineherd - 1841
The Little Match-Seller - 1845
The Dream-God - 1841
The Little Mermaid - 1837
The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep - 1845
Thumbelina - 1835
The Tinderbox - 1835
The Ugly Duckling - 1843

Hans Christian Andersen is the world's most famous fairy tale poet. He has written plays, poems, travel descriptions and novels, but he is best known for his adventures, which are aimed at both adults and children. The first adventures were published in 1835.
HC Andersen has written more than 150 adventures, translated into more than 100 different languages.

The cards are printed on European Swan-labeled company and are made from environmentally certified FSC paper.
The envelopes are made of eco-friendly eucalyptus paper.

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