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BOOK: HERBAL TEA - from nature and garden (danish text) - OUT OF STOCK

Brew delicious and tasty herbal tea with plants from nature

Herbal tea has been known for hundreds of years and is still a popular drink among many.
Different types of plant extracts can relieve, cure and or prevent various flaws and it is easy to collect and dry herbs that can be used for brewing tea, but it is important to know which plants can be used and what they do well for. Gentle drying ensures that the medical ingredients are preserved.

We drink herbal teas because it benefits the body and for the sake of pleasure. A daily cup of herbal tea can easily become one of today's lovely and stressful moments in a hectic everyday life.

Herbal writer Anemette Olesen gives in the book recipes for a wide range of herbal teas, which you yourself have the opportunity to collect or grow the plants. The book also tells about the active ingredients and what they do well for. 

€13.27  Incl. VAT
( €10.62  Excl. VAT )
Model: 9788793159471
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