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A2 print with different races of chickens. 

Packed individually in biodegradable cellophane bag. 
Measures 21x29.7 cm.

NB: the title of the poster is danish. 
Names of species is danish too. 

€6.56  Incl. VAT
( €5.25  Excl. VAT )
Model: 5711612026023


With this print you get an overview for different races of chickens. 

If you would like to know more about chickens, you can get further information in the book Økohøns - selvforsyning til husbehov by the authors Jens Juhl and Sølva Falgren. 

Chickens at the poster:

White italian - danish country race - brown italian - Jungle chicken - Yellow Plymouth Rock - Wyandot - White Plymouth Rock - Yellow stribed Wyandot - Plymouth Rock - Rhode Island Red - Light Sussex - Plymouth Rock Tværstribet - Yellow Orpington

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